Pornography use among teens: A developmental issue, not simply a moral issue.
ABC News Nightline: teens addicted to porn
Is there a connection between teen mental health issues and pornography addiction?
Does low self-esteem in teens lead to porn and sexual addiction?
Are youth diagnosed with Reactive Attachment Disorder more vulnerable to porn and sexual addiction?
Teen Pornography Addiction and its Consequences
Depression, anxiety and its connection to teen porn and sex addiction
Young Adults and Porn Addiction: “The Developmental Vacation”
Teens and Porn: Addiction vs. Inappropriate Behavior
Pornography and cyber-sex addiction: the impact on the family
STAR Guides now offers wilderness therapy for teen girls struggling with sexual behavior problems
Internet Pornography Addiction and Teens
Internet Pornography: The new sex ed for teens?
I know my teen frequently views porn, but is this really a mental health issue requiring treatment?
Help for parents of porn addicted teens: What to do when you are more invested in change than your t
We have discovered our teen is addicted to porn. What should we do?
New on-line group portrays the negative side of teen and young adult masturbation
Art of War: Pornography Addiction
Is pornography as destructive to adolescent development as drug abuse?